What I have been up to!

Recently, I have been trying all sorts of new foods. I attended a chilly cook-off and got to be a food critic! I have been working a lot in my backyard. I planted some watermelon and a few flowers. A few days ago, I realized someone had been eating my plants. It turns out I have a possum in my backyard; he has been a real pain! But he is keeping the ants away from my house.

I always enjoy sharing the little things going on in my life. I always enjoy taking your phone calls and sharing your stories! Recently, me and my producer, Vaughn, have been fixing up my home studio. We are preparing for a big surgery I am having that is coming soon. For a few days, Vaughn will be doing my radio show. We have been fixing up my studio for me, adding more soundproof padding, and installing a new door!

This morning, September 18, 2023, I discovered that my Facebook was hacked. The hacker has been trying to get into my Facebook for months! If you have recently received a friend request from the account or any links, please do not accept! I appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this; it means a lot!

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